Xyrcill Doriman is a young nurse working at Cork University Hospital (CUH), one of the biggest hospitals in Ireland. This young nurse just recently moved to Ireland. She is from Kapalong Davao Del Norte.
“When I was in nursing school, I never imagined to be on the frontline and to be a direct contact with infected patients in a pandemic. COVID-19, the most serious health crisis of our time, reminds me of my vital role as a nurse.
The past four weeks have been mentally draining. The experience of caring for patients is emotionally complex and sometimes overwhelming. I fear of falling ill with COVID-19, and lose my life on the frontlines. At the same time, I also need to step in providing emotional support to my patients because their families can’t come to the hospital.
Despite these, I kept my positive mental attitude and not letting my emotions get in the way. I stopped reading news articles that only trigger worries and negative feelings.
This week, the pace of the coronavirus in the hospital where I work appears to be slowing. It could mean that the adequate supplies of personal protective equipment, adequate training and education to ensure we use the equipment properly, strict hand hygiene and social distancing masures are helping.
I am also extremely thankful that my loved ones at home are healthy, and even though we are physically separated for the time being, it won’t last forever.”
If you know of any Filipino in Ireland who are working beyond the call of duty to support the Irish community, please let us know. Thank you.